


1、2023初二英语作文好用的初二英语作文集锦六篇 在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家最不生疏的就是作文了吧,作文依据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、争论文。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是办公室王秘书为大家整理的初二英语作文6篇,欢送阅读,希望大家能够喜爱。 初二英语作文 篇1A the of the term, I made up my mind to well in my plan. Then I out the plan full of

2、. I stu-died as hard as I ,and so the days and went by. Soon the time for the mid-term exam came. I went over my in , to get good . But to my , I got a low mark of 73.I made a few . , I was to use some w

3、ords or . I felt very it. I sat in the in low . it,my me to go to his of-fice and told me not to be so . He also told me to to the in ,to make and to do m

4、ore and ,and that only in this way I Eng-lish well.What he said me . I am to do as my tea-cher told me to. Im sure Ill make some next time.参考译文:日记:如何学好英语9月20日 星期五 雨这个学期刚起先,我就在安排中下定决心学好英语。然后我充溢信念地执行安排。我尽可能的努力学习,日子就这样一每天过去了,立刻期中考试就到了。我仔细地复习了

5、这门课,因为我期望取得好成果,但令我惊讶的是,我只得了73分,我犯了许多语法错误。而且,我不能正确的运用一些词和词组,我感到很难受,我坐在教室里,心情很低。知道这件事后,我的英语老师把我叫到他的办公室,叫我不要太悲观了,他还告知我上课要细致听讲,边听边做笔记,多阅读,多写作,这样才能学好英语。他说的话令我很感动,我决心按老师教的去做,我信任下次我将会有一些进步。初二英语作文 篇 , off a ; , a new era. ,

6、in the ; , the the to west; Life, just in this ; Hope that in the now. New Year is , the pace the , the , the , and . Tune is my wish in the

7、, is the only in of my eyes!New Year , we the sky with hope, all the on the sky, it is the of . We use the , and the wind the , that is the pace of of . to

8、 the .In the New Year, is a that call, have a kind of , have a kind of that , have a kind of . In , the pace of is so and . The Year , in of the pace, we have o

9、ur own and pay, with and , with and ! The pace of to the of .The New Year, is in our . , we have the page , the good for a note into the , New day, with the of a year a new sta

10、 . The New Year, is in our . we the new verb: , , plan, , and . We to the of the past, and to the song of the New Year, to your , to the pace of the , and to swe

11、at wave, to the of good news to fly. We with . We look to the five-year plan. the of the year, we held his head high, walk hold and firm and . The look at th

12、e of the year, and a of . In the , the out , then pick up the read pen the of . Good news for us. We with the New Year, meet a year of good news. The of the New Year, I am your time. A s

13、, I also . The , I am your . A drop of, I also go .In , in the New Year sign, day is very , one to a the of with The .In the tide, a kind of idea, to a kind

14、of , in both and the Wall and in the end of the , can be a in the ; In , a , a , no in the up and down the or on the , can be a hero of the . The ,

15、here have my , have of the ! the tang , we of the New Year; the silk road, our of the . Let us in the New hard work, !A , I also . I am your time in , New Year!

16、A drop of, I also go . I am in your , our ! to the most and soul. of the New Year. In , the New Year how many, the of , and has, how many , and and how many.In the New Year, a is the of the , but al

标签: 初二英语作文 语法错误 成果 难受 心情低落
